Thank you for visiting my online portfolio and blog. I first created this to introduce myself and showcase my work throughout the completion of the MAET program at MSU. It now highlights my former work done as a 4th grade teacher at Aspen Elementary and Technology Integration Specialist for Aspen School District, teaching philosophy, and newest role as Director of Technology for Traverse City Public Schools.
Keep updated with my blog (Edtech thoughts, tips, and tricks) about my experiences and thoughts on the latest #edtech trends and how it can best benefit students and teachers.
Check out my Showcase/Presentations tab to see projects I completed with students and teachers and presentations I've given at conferences.
Check out my Graduate school blog work by clicking the button below.
Keep updated with my blog (Edtech thoughts, tips, and tricks) about my experiences and thoughts on the latest #edtech trends and how it can best benefit students and teachers.
Check out my Showcase/Presentations tab to see projects I completed with students and teachers and presentations I've given at conferences.
Check out my Graduate school blog work by clicking the button below.